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«With Sensor, you can finally easily and quickly get the body values»
The acquired data will be displayed on the computer screen and, if necessary, processed and saved in order to create some downright case sheets with daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, etc., statistics. All the data, the case sheets and the diagrams can be printed or sent by internet and by e-mail.

Thanks to the simplicity and to the versatility of the software given in bundle, Sensor lends itself for many uses, both for professional and for private ones, becoming necessary for the surgeries, clinical departments and hospitals for the treatment of the patients and of whom wish to have an ever updated outline of their own health and physical condition. Sensor, in the version dedicated to the body’s care, helps to keep in form and to give a pleasant feeling of well-being because it allows to improve the physical look or to obtain an higher performance in the sport.


Sensor is available in the version Pro, Family and Fitness.

SENSOR PRO - Features

Sensor Pro, connected to a computer, is the first and the only one product which has been created to get the body values and to control the health in total automation and it can be used both in a clinical and a surgery ambit, even if the extreme simplicity of using it, allows its use also in the chemist's, beauty centers, sport centers and in the gymnasium, with a real cheap cost, and it seems interesting to all the possible users.

Using the calculation power of a computer, Sensor Pro gets with an extreme precision the bloody pressure (systolic, diastolic and medium), visualizing simultaneously and in a real time the heart beat, the bodily temperature, the sight and the hearing (when the measure has been taken the data and the diagram can the automatically saved and/or printed).

The extreme versatility of the Sensor allows a complete running of the data through the software, developed in Windows; it is possible in this way to create and to update the case sheets and the statistical diagram of the data collected on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis for an immediate diagnosis and/or anamnesis. The print of the case sheets and of the diagrams through any printer connected to the computer allows to have immediately a document in one or several copies to be given to the user.

It is possible, besides, to do one or several measurements in a cyclic way with the possibility to select both the number and the interval of the measurements to be done, in order to do some monitoring on brief, medium and long period of time (the measurement interval can be selected since 10' to 24 hours). This new and revolutionary system of bearing and running of the measures allows, therefore, to make excellent the acquisition and the filing times in the surgery allowing in this way the total visualization of the clinical state of the patient. 

The monitoring of the patients staying in hospital is made simple with the use of Sensor Pro for daily measurements, having the possibility to record automatically the results and to have the availability of them both in paper form both on the computer, in order to obtain a more careful analysis. Linking Sensor to the Modem Fax Voice, WLan and PowerLine modules, the data got in real time, the case sheets and the diagrams can be shared with some other computers in network (lan, internet, e-mail) or can be sent to a normal fax machine.

The running of Sensor functions including also the activation for the measures' taking can be done giving the commands with our own using the special version VAS - Vocal Automation System - for Windows.

Sensor Pro, like all Jepssen products, is obviously up gradable in order to give always further performances; among the foreseen expansions we would like to mention the "Sensor ECG" which add to a 12 leads electrocardiograph's functions, the "Sensor Spirometer" which allows a complete and professional spirometric test or the modules for the automatic measure of weight, height, body humidity or the main blood and urine analysis.

SENSOR ECG - Features

Sensor ECG adds to the standard values taken from the basis configuration, the functions of a 12 leads electrocardiograph.

Sensor Pro's ECG has:
auto calibration of ECG values which is automatically done at the beginning of each measurement
• 3 tracks contemporaneously sampled at a speed of 1.200 samples per second
12 tracks sampled 3 at a time with electronic switching which is controlled by software
• hardware active filter for each track
• variation of the offset and of the gain by software
• all the hardware functions are managed by the proper software which allows to do both manually and automatically the ECG sampling.

The manual sampling function allows to:
select the group of tracks to be sampled
to do the filter level and the gain variation during the sampling
to start the recording immediately or during the monitoring
to visualize in real time the length of the executed sampling
to visualize the pulsations quantity to the minute
to enlarge one of the 3 visualized track in real time
to freeze the tracing that the user is visualizing with the "freeze" function, while the sampling continues without any interruption.

The automatic sampling function allows to:
select the group or the groups of tracks to be recorded on file
the indication of the sampling duration for each tracks group.
the possibility of filter level and gain variation also during the sampling
to freeze the tracing that the user is visualizing with the "freeze" function, while the sampling continues without any interruption.

Moreover, after the start, the ECG in the automatic sampling mode, executes the recording of the selected tracks for the automatically indicated period. The offered opportunities to see the sampled or recorded ECG on file are really remarkable:
the case sheet is automatically created in order to have an analytic or comparative vision
it is possible to glance over all the tracing where the names of the used leads are visualized, the right exchanging points between a group and another and the kind of used gain
it is possible to enlarge every track's portion
it is possible to select and to avoid the tracing ports which must not the used or filed
it is possible to print all the tracing or only the selected pages choosing also the speed of sliding and of the gain
it is possible to select every point in the tracing in order to obtain the height in millivolt or the interval in milliseconds of the chosen points.


Sensor Spirometer adds to the standard values taken from the basis configuration, the functions of a professional spirometer will be added to the standard values collected by the basis configuration. This test allows to obtain some information regarding the lungs' health of a patient, pointing out the possible pathologies of respiratory system. The the considered values are: VC, IVC, FEV1, PEF, FVC, FER, F50, F25, MEF, I50,R50,

For each one it is considered both the theoretic value and the range into which the taken measure should fall, according to the various reference theoretic values chosen.

Besides it is possible to choose the source of the reference theoretic values, which can be one of the following: CECA '71 and '83, Knudson Morris, MC Barcelona and Zapletal.

The spirometric tests that it's possible to do are:
• slow vital capability (expiratory/inhalatory)
• forced basal vital capability (expiratory/inhalatory)
• post bronchus dilatation forced vital capability (expiratory/inhalatory)
• provocation test on a substance (istamina/metacolina/other).

Each test made, is visualized with a specific diagram or panel:
test of the slow vital capability - the diagram visualizes the curves of the VC,IVC, at the best
test of the forced basal vital capability - the diagram visualizes the curves of the FVC expiratory, of the FVC inhalatory, at the best and last made test
test of the post bronchus dilatation forced vital capability - the diagram visualizes the curves of the expiratory FVC, of the inhalatory FVC, at the best and the last made test and to the best got basal FVC test
provocation test on a substance - the panel visualizes the last basal value, the quantity and the type of a taken substance, the time passed from the administration of the substance, the FEV1 value and, through some proper leds, the limits of the reference levels.

It's possible to print all the obtained diagrams and the collected values:
inserting if necessary every kind of visualized curves or only the measured values
selecting the test and including, if necessary, the curves to be printed, the measured values or the best basal and bronchus dilatation test made.

In the provocation test, it's possible, besides, to select if including in the print both the data relative to the administered substance, and the value of the basal FEV1.

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